The work explores a strong ability of existing in the chaos of external environment, the point emotionally and physically. How can technology be used to break the space which keeps distant our experience, and how can art provide the chance for this to happen.

I try to originate in an attempt to understand how material affects perception, how we construct our experience into meaning and how physical form is read in artistic principles beyond its possible meanings. I concentrate the relationship between meaningless materiality and a well-controlled state of meaningful formation of elements. I am intrigued by the way we draw upon and structure memory, constantly seeking relationships between all parts of the world around us, then relating back to ourselves, what we know or what we already understood. Working with time, through approaches to sculpture and drawing, my practice attempts to reveal the ordinary things but also the richness of their own experience to a viewer, and negotiate some kind of common language which allows that experience to be shared.

Broken umbrella -2014
Dimensions variable
Concrete/cotton fabric/steel board/steel tube/clay/aluminum sheets

Dimensions variable
Concrete/wood sheet/plaster/steel sheet/plastic/MDF sheets/glues

Swimming pool-2014
Dimensions variable
Concrete/wood sheet/golden copper wire/glass fiber/fabric/wheels/clay

Inner of emptiness-2013
Thick pulley cotton lines/fishing wires

A little-2011
Wax/plastic can / tinny wood tube

One night
Video 3’15’’

Color and sound
Video 4’16’’

Object as object-2013
Dimensions variable
Paper/Mix materials

Weak -2013
Plaster/acyclic painted/wood/fishing wire/plastic paper

Green wood-2012
Dimensions variable
Flash green paper/LCD flash light

Uncertain rules-2015
Dimensions variable
Concrete/wood sheet/golden copper wire/glass fiber/fabric/wheels/clay